Fighting against the exploitation of minors

Together with Child Focus, Redlights does everything in its power to stop ads for underage sex workers appearing on its site. However, we will never be able to prevent this 100%. This is why we need your help. Only together can we prevent the sexual exploitation of minors and give them needed help and support. Do you have doubts about the accuracy of the reported age? Or the person can’t prove to you that they are 18? Break off contact and anonymously report to Child Focus at the toll-free number 116 000 or via the online reporting form.

You may suspect sex with minors when the sex worker is available 24/7, always visits your location, or if in the advertisement it is not the sex worker themselves who is offering their services. 

Are you concerned about your sexual feelings or behavior towards minors, or those of a loved one? Then you can contact Stop It Now! anonymously.

If, as a client, you come across a sex worker seeking help, you can refer him/her to Violett (Flanders), Alias (Brussels) or Espacep (Wallonia). In situations of human trafficking, you can also contact the anti-trafficking centers anonymously: Payoke (Flanders), PAG-ASA (Brussels) and ASBL Sürya (Wallonia). For urgent police assistance, call 101. For non-urgent police assistance, please contact your local police department. Thank you for your help.

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